Monday, February 20, 2006


2/20 - 2/24

Monday 2/20
Presidents' Day

Tuesday 2/21
12:00 Meet w/ Hampton
2:00 Secondary Admin
4:00 ICS @ KJH
4:00 Intel @ HUN

Wednesday 2/22
7:00 Meet w/ Williamson
8:30 ITC Staff Meeting
1:00 SLIS Meeting
4:00 Intel @ SHA
4:00 Intel @ SJH

Thursday 2/23
7:00 Boundary Meeting
4:00 Intel @ AJH

Friday 2/24
8:30 SLIS Meeting
3:00 Tech Steering
I have you all in my aggregator. Thanks for coming on Friday!

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Quote of the week:
It is possible to store the mind with a million facts and still be entirely uneducated.
~ Alec Bourne

I thought that this quote from ThoughtsOnThinking : Designing Out Loud blog was a nice compliment to your quote of the week:

"They say that in 1900, we encountered 1000 pieces of significant information per six months. In 1960, it was within one week. Today, it’s within one hour. How much knowledge can we actually retain when our “seven plus or minus two” short-term memories have to constantly filter, direct and trash most of that data?"


I wonder if our digital evolution will create an evolution of humans with larger sized brains? Maybe we will end up looking like the aliens from "Independence Day" after all.
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